Proportional-Integral-Derivative is a popular control algorithm in feedback control systems. The three common Proportional-Integral-Derivative control algorithms in existence are parallel, series, and ideal. However, the process of selecting an appropriate algorithm for a given plant model has not been rigorously researched as little or no works have been reported in this area. The selection of an appropriate Proportional-Integral-Derivative control algorithm for a set of plant models is reported in this article. The three control algorithms were designed for each of the plant models considered to study the closed-loop step responses for the plants using each of the algorithms. Based on the values of the closed loop step-response performance parameters, an appropriate control algorithm was selected for each of the plants. The process is simple and efficient since the system open-loop transfer function model parameters are the only required to be known. From the results the recommended controller algorithm for the first order with time delay and type 0 second-order systems were parallel/ideal; first-order was series, while type 1 second-order could be any of the three algorithms. The study revealed that the appropriate algorithm for the considered first order with time delay and type 0 second-order systems were parallel/ideal; first-order was series, while type 1 second-order could be any of the three algorithms. It is recommended that the control algorithm parameters should be tuned after selection to improve the system performance.
Authors : Ajiboye, A. T., Opadiji, J. F. and Popoola, J. O.
Category : Open Access Volume (Issue) : 7(1) Date Uploaded : 1st July 2021