The water supply schemes in the study area are based mostly on groundwater which constitute more than 70% of the water supply. Most surface water supply dry up during the dry season. The aim of the research is to assess the groundwater potentials in the study area. Seventeen Resistivity depth soundings were carried out in the research area. Vertical electrical sounding technique of Schlumberger array configuration was use to delineate subsurface lithology, identification of aquifer systems and determination of aquifer parameters use for groundwater resource exploration, estimation of supply potential and protective capacities of water sources. The geoelectrical parameters are transverse resistance and longitudinal conductance while aquifer properties are transmissivity and hydraulic conductivity. Hydrogeological field mapping comprising water sampling, measurement of static water level, borehole depth, locations, altitude, physical parameters of groundwater, acquisition of borehole logs and notations on the field topographic map was carried out using appropriate equipment. Aquifer systems of the study site increases in thickness from South to North with Western dominance of confined aquifers and eastern unconfined aquifer dominance. The profiling of the subsurface using borehole logs and resistivity imagery at a location of interest was use to produced geologic map (4 Dimension) of that location with socioeconomic benefits such as anticipation of ground conditions in engineering, groundwater capacity and vulnerability assessment and fundamental understanding of earth materials, processes, and history of that location. This assures its validation for use as geological map by confirmation rather than speculation.
Authors : Dong, D.E., Ankidawa, B.A., Obiefuna, G.I., Seli, A.B. and Kwami, I.A.
Category : Open Access Volume (Issue) : 10(1) Date Uploaded : 23rd April 2024