The application of anthropometry and ergonomics in chair design contributes in improving human efficiency in performance, minimize hazards, lower back pain and musculoskeletal disorders. Improper use of anthropometric data application can result to chronic back pain, injuries and illness due to occupational health related problems. This paper focused on the design of chair, using anthropometric data of students taken in relax state of standing and sitting posture. Data were collected from subsample of students in the University Putra Malaysia. The body size of each student was assessed using standard anthropometric measurement tools. All anthropometric measurement where done in a relaxed and erect posture and without shoes, the dimensions were estimated. The anthropometric data was analyzed using average, minimum, maximum, standard deviation, 5th percentile, 50th percentile and 95th percentile. The seat height was 47.3cm, the 5th percentile of the buttock-popliteal and thus the seat depth was 44.2cm. The 95th percentile of biacromial breadth of 37.7 cm was used with an allowance of 15 percent of the value (5.65 cm) which translates to a seat width of 43.3 cm. In the design of the armrest height the sitting elbow rest height was the deciding factor, which was taken as 19.8cm. Shoulder Height dimension was averaged 42.3cm, the backrest width was the 50th percentile of biacromial breadth with an average of 44.0 cm. Keywords- Anthropometry, Chair Design, Classroom, Ergonomic.
Authors : Abdulkadir, S. A., Dodo, S. M. and Vandi, L. T.
Category : Open Access Volume (Issue) : 4(2) Date Uploaded : 19th April 2019