
Nigerian Journal of Engineering Science and Technology Research

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The contribution of irrigation in Nigerian agriculture has been significant, especially in the northern part of the country where many of the population are farmers. However, irrigated agriculture in Nigeria has been affected by several problems, including stakeholder conflicts and infrastructural decay. Despite the significance of stakeholders’ conflicts and infrastructural decay on the management of irrigation schemes, information on the extent to which these problems hampered the success of irrigation schemes in Nigeria had been sporadic. Herein, we reviewed the impact of stakeholders’ conflict and infrastructural decay in Nigerian irrigation scheme and proffer some perspectives on the way forward. Reviewed literature revealed that misunderstandings between the stakeholders often lead to frequent contestations and conflict of interests among the agency staff, water users, herdsmen, and neighbouring communities. Several factors are found to influence stakeholders' conflicts, which include: water sharing rules, irrigation technologies, water charges, policy alterations, socio-economic status of farmers, level of education and awareness, water managers' competence and expertise, and access to information and extension services. The problem of infrastructural decay has been mostly associated with mismanagement and lack of farmers’ participation in the operation and maintenance, which they perceived as not their responsibility. Inconsistency in government policies and lack of continuity also play a vital role in abandoning ongoing irrigation rehabilitation projects. The review concluded by offering some perspectives on the way forward to address these problems. These include creating farmer-agency staff joint management, revitalization and expansion of infrastructures, and strengthening the concept of Participatory Irrigation Management (PIM) through intensifying sensitization and awareness campaign programs. It is envisaged that implementing these strategies will ensure the effective and sustainable utilization of Nigerian irrigation schemes.

Authors : N.J. Shanono, M.M. Bello, M.D. Zakari, A. Ibrahim, I.M.T. Usman, N.M. Nasidi and M.M. Maina

Category : Open Access     Volume (Issue) : 6(1)     Date Uploaded : 19th September 2020

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